Kill Team Tournament
Singidunum Gaming Club with the patronage of the Comics and Boardgames festival Tandara Mandara organized the biggest Kill Team tournament to date in Belgrade, Serbia.

Sixteen players clashed in three rounds of intense battles, each lasting for about two hours. In an unusual twist the tables were set outside, we worried that this cloudy morning might bring rain with it, but it seemed that The Emperor himself blessed us, because the clouds parted the moment the tournament started.

We had the pleasure of hosting four players from our friends at Games Arts and Crafts, a club from Niš, who brought with them a great atmosphere and sportsmanship, along with twelve players from Belgrade, all with beautifully painted Kill teams and a desire to win!

Tournament started at noon and lasted well into the sundown, around 8PM.
Weary but unyielding we brought it to a close, and with it It brought us the winners.
1st Place was won by our friend Petr, with his stoic and ruthless Death Korps Of Krieg!
2nd Place was taken by another of our members, Ivan Dolzan, with his terrifying and brutal Legionaries!
3rd Place was taken by our friend from the Games Arts and Crafts club, Milos Videnovic, with his beguiling and lethal Void Dancer Troupe!

The award for Best Sportsmanship, provided by our friends at Games Arts and Crafts was deservingly given to Branislav Todic!
And lastly, the Best Painted Award went to our Void Dancer wielding commander Milos Videnovic!

With this we slowly closed out the tournament, with a promise to have an even bigger event coming soon, a chance for friendly rivalries to be tested and a guarantee for amazing moments to be had.

Once more we thank our wonderful hosts Svastara Bar, the Tandara Mandara Festival, our friends from Games Arts and Crafts, and everyone who came to the tournament to have fun and a good time, we know we certainly did.

We shall see you all again soon, be prepared and may dice be in your favour, always!